mushroom and wild rice soup with kale

I’ve been waiting for “real” soup weather to arrive. You know the type: cold wind howling, trees rustling branches against the windows and inches of rain or snow. All of this iconic soup weather hadn’t happened yet, but that hasn’t stopped me from soup making. Continue reading

and then … there was soup

and then ... there was soup
it’s cold, and i need soup

Well friends, the last of the leftover Holiday food has been eaten or properly tucked into the freezer. On Monday, every scrap of Christmas was stashed into the red tubs that hang out in the garage and, hopefully, any remaining sprinkles from baking cookies with the littles have been mopped up. Those vagrants, along with the glitter, just seem to find crevices in which to hide.

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food slacker here

Slacker!  Yes, I have been a food write-about-it slacker.  Oh, I’ve fixed and eaten plenty of good food.  The issue is nothing has made it to digital print for a few weeks.  Am I off to a good start for the New Year?  Oh, dear…

I had really good intentions to share a New Year’s pot of black-eyed peas with greens and ham-hock; standard fare for my grandparents.  Like many folks, it represented health and wealth for the coming year.  I don’t know about the wealth part, but the whole thing is crammed with a bunch of good-for-you stuff.  I serve the peas with cornmeal dumplings, a recipe that I picked up from Cooking Light a few years ago.

016See I at least have a pic of the black-eyed peas; a pot of them, not yet made.

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