mustard mint potato and green bean salad

mustard mint potato and green bean saladWhen I was a little girl, I equated certain foods with my different sets of grandparents. I could count on my Grandma Jeffress to have things like Chuck Wagon casserole and pigs-in-a-blanket made with Vienna sausages or tacos with the lettuce wilted in the sauce and heaped with shreds of cheddar cheese. Continue reading

fried egg sammies

fried egg sammiesWhich came first, the chicken or the egg? I know, corny, clique, unanswered question that gets batted around at so-called intellectual cocktail parties. Eggs come from chickens, but wait chickens come from eggs. Who knows? The way I see it this confab is not going to change the world or solve crime, but it does make you wonder. Continue reading